stc Bahrain B.S.C closed
VAT Account Number: 200000190500002
Building: 15, Road/Street: 68, Town: AlSeef district,
Block: 428, Country: Kingdom of Bahrain

Tax Invoice

Company Name W.L.L.

Company Address

Customer Tax Registration No

Tax address
Flat/Villa No: 71, Building No: 2504,
Road/Street: 2832, Sitra, Block: 428

Bill Number

Bill Date
1 Apr 2019

Bill Period
1 Mar 2019 - 31 Mar 2019

Corporate Account Number

Your Bill

Balance from your last bill


Previous bill amount


Payment Received




Total Remaining


Current Month Charges (VAT exclusive)

Monthly Recurring Charges


VAT amount payable at 5%
(For charges during this period only)




Total Current Charges
(Including any VAT adjustment)


Grand Total (VAT Inclusive)

BD 1,107.857

Due Date

28 Apr 2019

Submitted your Company VAT Registration Certificate yet?

If your organisation has multiple accounts with us, you need to provide the VAT registration Certificate for each one of them.

For more information on VAT, and to submit your VAT registration Certificate visit,

To pay your bills, please call 128 or contact your account manager. Roaming charges will be subject to 0% VAT.
If any amount of the bill is disputed, please pay the amount stated in your bill excluding the disputed amount until resolved with the Company.
You will be deemed to have waived your right any amount after 25 days from the due date of such charges and fees.

payment options

ابوابة الخدمة الذاتية
Self Care Portal
اقم بالتسجيل عبر موقعنا اإللكتروني لالطالع على فاتورة حسابك آجل الدفع ومراجعة تفاصيل استخدامك.
Register at to view and settle your bills.
اتطبيق stc
stc App
اتحكم وقم بدفع فاتورة حسابك مع تطبيق stc.
Manage and pay your stc account with ease, on the go with the stc App.
افروع stc
stc outlets
اسدد فواتيرك يف مقر stc الرئيسي
أو أي من فروع stc.

Settle your bills at stc HQ shop
or any stc outlet.
ا التحويل البنكي
Bank Transfer
اقم بتسديد فاتورة حسابك عبر التحويل البنكي، وتأكد من ذكر إسم الشركة ورقم الفاتورة.
Settle your bills via bank transfer, ensure to include your Company name & Invoice No. as a reference.
Bank Name Ahli United Bank – Al Hilal Islamic Services
Account BD USD
Account No. 0053-000585-017 0053-000585-013
IBAN BH57AUBB00053000585017 BH68AUBB00053000585013
BIC (Swift code) AUBBBHBM
Branch Seef Area – Kingdom of Bahrain
Commercial Name stc Bahrain B.S.C.
CR No. 71117-01
Bank Address Seef Area – Kingdom of Bahrain

االتسديد السريع
Quick Pay
اتفضل بزيارة موقعنا اإللكتروني
ثم اضغط على رمز التسديد السريع.

Visit and click on the icon and pay.
اخدمة استالم الشيكات
Cheque pick-up service
اتصل على 128 أو راسلنا على لتحديد موعد استالم الشيك
Payment made easy, contact stc business support on 128 or to schedule a cheque pick up.

For more information contact our business care representative on 128 or +973 33128128 if roaming abroad or email us on

stc Bahrain B.S.C closed
VAT Account Number: 200000190500002
Building: 15, Road/Street: 68, Town: AlSeef district,
Block: 428, Country: Kingdom of Bahrain

Tax Invoice

Company Name W.L.L.

Bill Number B1-XXXXXXXX
Bill Date 1 Apr 2019
Bill Period 1 Mar 2019 - 31 Mar 2019
Corporate Account Number 1-10395135179

Summary Charges by Service Type

Mobility Services

Service Account Number: 1-10395135210 Number of Lines: 1
Charges Excl. VAT VAT Charge (5%) Total Charge Incl. VAT
Monthly Recurring
19.950 1.050 21.000
Usage charges
National Call Charges 0.038 0.002 0.000
SMS Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
International Call Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
International SMS Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
Roaming Charges 30.970 0.000 32.600
Other Charges 30.970 1.630 32.600
Current Month Charges 50.958 2.682 53.640
Credit Balance 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Due (BD) 53.640 53.640 53.640

Datacom Services

Service Account Number: 1-102870567428 Number of Services: 1
Charges Excl. VAT VAT Charge (5%) Total Charge Incl. VAT
Monthly Recurring
190.000 10.000 200.000 Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
Current Month Charges 199.500 10.500 210.000
Credit Balance -161.502 -8.500 -170.003
Total Due (BD) 53.640 53.640 53.640

ICT Services

Service Account Number: 1-34224393110 Number of Lines: 6
Charges Excl. VAT VAT Charge (5%) Total Charge Incl. VAT
Monthly Recurring
9.000 0.450 9.450
Usage charges
National Call Charges 1.188 0.005 1.247
SMS Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
International Call Charges 27.015 1.350 28.365
International SMS Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
Roaming Charges 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Charges 30.000 1.500 31.500
Current Month Charges 67.203 3.305 70.508
Credit Balance 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Due (BD) 53.640 53.640 53.640

To pay your bills, please call 128 or contact your account manager. Roaming charges will be subject to 0% VAT.
If any amount of the bill is disputed, please pay the amount stated in your bill excluding the disputed amount until resolved with the Company.
You will be deemed to have waived your right any amount after 25 days from the due date of such charges and fees.